Sunday, April 19, 2015

Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion is going to continue to be an issue as long as the city leaders blindly approve development based upon flawed traffic studies.  The blind eye concerns the fact that the generally accepted traffic studies do not include the impact of bridge openings nor the traffic impacts from train crossing closings.  This may explain why traffic heading westbound at Palmetto Park Rd. or Yamato Rd. backs up onto I-95 when the TriRail train travels through the area.  This appears to be more impactful at the Yamato Rd. area as traffic backs up well onto the overpass approaching the westbound exit ramp during the morning peak travel periods.  This area is NOT expected to be improved with the changes in the intersection/addition of the Spanish River exit since these commuters are heading to businesses located in the business area of the Arivda Park of Commerce and the old IBM office complex, since renamed multiple times as more and more offices were leased and released.

It appears that it will take another election in order to change the makeup of city council so that residents can find accountability in their future leaders.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Development Approvals Have Finally Expired!

FINALLY, impacted residents in the Boca Teeca community must be pleased that the 12/11/07 development approvals & rezoning has expired effective 4/12/15.  The representatives of the MCZ Centrum development'a LLC were overzealous, to say the least, as they courted the senior citizens within the Boca Teeca community for 2 years with promises of a little more than $200/unit in exchange for their "assistance" in obtaining non-notarized signatures on consent forms to amend the deed restriction on a portion of the 200+ acre golf course surrounding the community. These developer representatives transported these senior citizens to the city meetings on the issue after providing complimentary food & drink, but when they could no longer fulfill their promises financially, the developers closed shop and abandoned the residents. 

Over a 7 year period many of the senior citizen supporters of this development have passed away or moved to nursing homes or closer to family during their final years.  Were these senior citizens unduly influenced by developer representatives in order to obtain their cooperation?

Over the past 7 years many of these long-time Boca Teeca residents who supported the past development have been replaced by a much younger demographic which often were unaware of the pending development on the country club property.  Many of these residents were unaware of the low $200/unit compensation that was accepted by their condo boards in exchange for throwing their neighbors under the bus driven by the now departed condo leaders.  These new residents are expected to be more long-term oriented and are not expected to be easily influenced by developers with promises of grandeur, as they realize that a potential for a 4-lane highway (NW 2nd Ave.) through their community will result in a significant decline in the residential nature of the community.

It is time for all residents in the Boca Teeca community to stand together regardless of what Wells Fargo bank decides to do with the property once the 5+ year foreclosure is finalized.  By standing together the residents should be influential in persuading the bank and the eventual buyers of the property to realize that over 2,000 residents are not going to be cooperative in making any changes that are detrimental to any portion of the Boca Teeca community, that is, operate a golf course and hotel as was originally intended and approved by the city when the Boca Teeca community was created.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Park vs. Restaurant? at Old Wildflower Property

Tonight's P&Z meeting sounded like a group of members of the Save Boca Raton Green Space organization as this tag line "Save Boca Raton Green Space" was touted by multiple speakers in opposition to the approved rezoning of the property located at the Intracoastal and Palmetto Park Rd.  Several residents stated that this property was acquired several years ago by the city after the residents supported the expansion of the Silver Palm Park by acquiring the property. 

But, tonight's P&Z meeting appears to be paving the way for city leaders to ignore the swelling residential opposition to a restaurant at this location.  Some residents do not believe that the city should be subsidizing a private restaurant business, nor should the city be involved as a landlord per their proposed leasing of the land to the owner of a Houston's restaurant.

A primary concern of residents was traffic in the area of Palmetto Park Rd. & 5th Ave. which is already congested, yet the city staff did not seem too concerned about the additional 7,000+ trips/day that could potentially impact the area due to the rezoning.  The city staff & traffic engineer noted that the city traffic studies go by the book, but this book does not take into account real world situations, such as bridge or railroad closings in the area. 

Yes, that is right, approved traffic studies do not take into account the opening of the bridges over the intracoastal, nor do traffic studies consider the closing of railroad crossings.  This is certainly applicable to the area near the old Wildflower site, BUT this is an even larger issue as the city is expected to support the All Aboard Florida expansion that one day "could" add a stop in downtown Boca Raton.  In exchange for a rail station the city is ready to further snarl traffic with the over 30 additional trains running through the city which will not be considered in traffic studies on future development.

Obviously this meeting transcript helps to clarify why the city of Boca Raton is looking similar to the gridlock in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, that is, poor traffic planning due to purposely ignoring real world impacts on traffic in our community - Shame on City Staff for Not Being Forthright In Their Traffic Presentations!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Cancelled / P&Z meeting #4 on Ocean. Breeze Extension

The P&Z meeting on 4/9 has been cancelled but it has not been determined if the city  will continue with their loophole position on the expiration date of 4/12/15.  While the public comments  have focused on the county traffic dept. approving an  extension to only 12/31/15 the city traffic engineers have issued a scathing report with 8 significant concerns, including the requirement for a double left turn lane on NW 2nd Ave. for westbound traffic on Jeffrey St./Clint Moore Rd.   Is this a precursor to a 4-lane widening of NW 2nd Ave. through the boca teeca community?