Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MCZ Centrum Foreclosure Update

An extension of time has been granted by the court based upon a request by MCZ Centrum. The next hearing is scheduled for Aug. 24th at 8:45am.

These foreclosure proceedings normally take several months and considering the current large number of foreclosures in Palm Beach County it would be expected for this process to take up to 2 years.

Residents often inquire about the outcome of the foreclosure and what will eventually happen to the Boca Teeca/Ocean Breeze golf course. It is our expectation that another investment group will buy the property and operate it as a golf course--similar to what happen to the Boca Greens golf course in Dec. 2009. An investment group has contacted members of the Save Boca Raton Green Space organization in order to access their interest in supporting an effort to purchase the golf course after the foreclosure process is complete versus MCZ Centrum.


  1. Where does Boca Teeca's golf course fit into the comprehensive plan changes?...must be something brewing behind the scenes

  2. It is good to see the highly leveraged developers to lose money on speculative land deals. Will they ever learn?

  3. Another developer biting the dust!--such a beautiful thing

  4. These developers started by having strippers on the golf course and they will get what they deserve.

  5. More development is NOT going to stop the decline in property values in the city, but foreclosures will help kill financing of projects.

  6. Boca needs to stay GREEN to get back to being a World Class city...don't allow development on this golf course

  7. How long does it take to get rid of a deadbeat developer who hasn't paid their taxes in 2 years and hasn't fulfilled any of their promises to residents?---typical developer/LIARS!
