Joshua "Dennis" Taback has a history of not paying his Federal income taxes as shown by the attached Federal Tax Lien for over $36,000. Do condo leaders still have faith in the primary rep. for MCZ Centrum and his intent to fulfill his contract to pay condo associations $350k?
It would appear that Mr. Taback has a lot of experience with requiring debt holders to seek legal action for collection, including the Federal government.
Do you think that Boca Teeca condo associations or Teeca Woods HOA will ever receive a dime from the agreements signed by Mr. Taback to support his development on a portion of the Boca Teeca golf course?
This tax lien was not released until 3/8/06, while he was already negotiating with Boca Teeca condo residents for removing a portion of the deed restriction on the golf course in their community.
Wonder if he has been paying taxes on the cash coming into the golf course or hotel?...or has it been going into his pocket?