The last city council workshop and council meeting revealed at least 2 city council members support for a development that would include the Ocean Strand property. At the workshop meeting on Monday, Mayor Whelchel stated that a possible development of the property on the NE corner of Camino Real & Fed. Hwy. could be worth up to $800 million and the city needs the tax revenue from this size of a development. The possible development has been rumored to include a Beach Club on the Ocean Strand property which may explain why the city council has refused to heed the pleas of many Ocean Blvd. residents to change the land use on the Ocean Strand property to open space & recreational use.
Council member Constance Scott voiced her support for development of this size as a need to raise tax revenue. The city manager stated that the estimated budget deficit for 2011 would be approximately $14 million and the city has already cut approx. 10% of the operating budget over the past few years to balance the budget.
Based upon these meetings it appears that the city has plans to allow a development of some sort on the Ocean Strand property in spite of the fact that the Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park district commissioners have stated that they do not intend to develop or lease the property. With the city council's intent clear that they want to accommodate the possible $800 million development, it would appear that the city staff has a plan to convince the GBRBPD to either sell the property or lease the property to the developer.
Residents wishing to oppose this future development potential on the Ocean Strand property should email all city council members--asking for the land use change to be included in the current comprehensive plan amendment that will be approved on August 10th at the 6pm council meeting. Residents should also plan to attend the city council meetings on 8/9 at 1pm and 8/10 at 6pm and speak at the meeting during the agenda item for the comp plan amendment approval---asking for the land use change on Ocean Strand.
There will be a meeting on MONDAY July 19 at 5:15 pm to request a new LAND USE and ask the Parks District to change it to PR- see explanation below.
Please let our elected officials know that you would like the Ocean Strand Parcel to be accurately reflected in the existing and future land use maps as (PR) – Recreation and Open Space and (N)-conservation on its environmentally sensitive lands, reflecting the purpose of its acquisition rather than is current now outdated FLUM Designation “RM – Residential Medium”. The "RM" designation on Ocean Strand is particularly troubling in light of the proposed addition of Hotels/Motels to the list of allowable uses in the RM District.
Boca Raton City Council and City Manager Phone 561-393-7708
City Manager - Leif Ahnell -
Susan Whelchel
Constance Scott -
Anthony Majhess -
Susan Hanyie -
Michael Mullaugh -
Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park Tax District NEXT MEETING this MONDAY July 19, 2010 AT 5:15 at 300 S. Military Trail, Sugar Sand Park – Boca RatonPhone 561-417-4599
Robert Rollins
Dennis Frisch
Dirk Smith
Earl Starkoff
Elaine Kleinman
Ocean Strand is current designated as a land use Residential-Medium Density (RM):
The principal permitted uses are primarily multifamily uses with some small lot single family uses at densities of up to 9.5 units per acre. Accessory or related residential uses and institutional uses may be permitted. Motels or hotels may be permitted in areas along heavily traveled routes or in other areas such as PUDs.
Request to change Ocean Strand to: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Recreation and Open Space (PR): This category designates both public and private property used for recreation or committed to recreational use. It is applied to properties having major recreational activities, such as golf courses, or other structured and maintained recreation area facilities. Appropriate accessory uses such as docks, jetties, or clubhouses will be permitted. Additionally, up to 0.5 dwelling unit per acre is permissible provided that 50% or more of any proposed development area remains in recreation uses. And change the portions of environmentally sensitive land to: Conservation (N): This category designates land within the City that has been protected due to vegetation or wildlife habitat. A land use designation of N is compatible with any zoning district.
Thank you for helping to protect Boca Raton Green Space.
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Saving the residential nature of North Ocean Blvd. should be a priority to area resdients. Say NO to a hotel on Ocean Strand
ReplyDeleteSome city leaders say a possible Ocean Strand development is a dead deal, so why is the Mayor and city council refusing to change the land use to Open Space?--they are leaving the door open for future development!
ReplyDeleteThe city has declined since Ocean Strand was purchased due to over-development. Bring back the previous city leaders who had the foresight to protect beaches and open spaces.
ReplyDeleteMakes no sense to build another beach club or hotel on the Ocean when the Boca Resort needs the business.
ReplyDeleteBend-over beach residents--the city is getting ready to stick it to you!
ReplyDeleteI hear a land swap is being planned by the city manager & parks dcistrict attorney holding Ocean Blvd. residents at bay. The bottomline is money to bailout the city manager's budget gap/poor management.
ReplyDeletePenn Florida has the Mayor & City Manager on their side, so the poor residents are not going to know what hit them when this development is approved to raise $$$ for the city.
ReplyDeleteIs the city crazy? The last thing we need is more over-development!
ReplyDeletemore development? this makes no sense at all with the vacant buildings everywhere in boca
ReplyDeleteThis Community was World Class long before the Mayor ever moved here. People move here for world class Beaches, Open and Recreation space - not a POTENTIAL 100 room hotel on Federal Hwy. Remember elections will be coming up and if she doen't get it now she will get it then!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Greater Boca Raton Beach and Tax District Commissioners appear to have real integrity and seem to be good stewards of the public lands. It is the Mayor and one of the other council member that needs a quick education or removal. If they Mayor doesn't get it quickly she is dumber than I thougtht. This issue is radioactive!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf the Mayor and her developer neighbor/friend thinks that some golf venture At The Country Club and Boca Del Mar worth maybe 2 million dollars is appropriate for some sort of exchange for a portion oceanfront property worth well in excess of 50 million is a joke. If this issue doesn't go away I am certain she will
ReplyDeleteMore development approval is madness since we have seen the negative impact of the real estate bubble that has burst and devalued properties by 40%-60% over the past 3 years. What is the city proposing to help stem the decline in property values?
ReplyDeleteSTOP THE MADNESS! No More Development on the Ocean in Boca Raton!
ReplyDeleteBuilding on Ocean Strand--in a residential area is a terrible idea.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't the "elected" leaders realize that they are partly responsible for the real estate disaster in Boca Raton? Are they trying to add fuel to the fire?
ReplyDeleteHow can the city continue to propose policies that add more supply of housing to the market which leads to further decline in prices? This is hurting ALL residential property values in the city.
ReplyDeleteWatch out for a land swap---rumors are flying about Ocean Strand being developed and the city getting some larger park space in the western areas---probably not even within city limits.
ReplyDeleteIn May there were adament comments by commissioners that they would not allow any development on Ocean Strand over their dead body & now their letter to the city leaves the door open for development based upon residential preferences...another example of backroom deals by politicians?
ReplyDeleteToo late for Ocean Strand land use for this comp plan amendment process since the Beach & Park district has refused to request the land use change.
ReplyDeleteIs the city manager so desparate for tax rev. that Ocean Strand is expendable?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone in the city really think that a bank will finance an $800 million project? Of course not, but the approval of the development will allow the underwater Penn FL to be bailed-out of a property they overpaid for during the boom years.
ReplyDeleteVery disappointed with beach & park commissioners for NOT requesting the land use change to rec. & open space.
ReplyDeleteEvery condo on North Ocean Blvd. will be negatively impacted by a commercial development on Ocean Strand--this is horrible planning by the city.
ReplyDeleteThe Beach & Park district attorney put a muzzle on the elected commissioners who supported the residents at previous meetings. Get rid of that attorney and follow the directions of the taxpayers who paid for the Ocean Strand property.
ReplyDeleteAre these council members elected? Looks like they can join the US Reps & Senators on the unemployment line in the near future.
ReplyDeleteBoca residents are fed-up with the over-development---guess it will take another election to get this point across.
ReplyDeleteWhy hasn't this been made into a park after over 10 yrs?
ReplyDeleteZoning and "land use" are completely different issues and residents need to understand there is much more importance placed on LAND USE changes by the State of FL.
ReplyDeleteLong overdue to make a quiet park out of Ocean Strand for all residents to enjoy
ReplyDeleteLooks like the Bait 'n Switch is coming
ReplyDeleteThe beach & park dept. is destined to fail---to save this land from development
ReplyDeleteJust say NO to all development that has negative impacts to residential areas. There are plenty of commercial areas that can be developed/redeveloped...especially along Fed Hwy
ReplyDeleteOpen space & parks are the backbone that made Boca attractive and led to the migration from Ft. Lauderdale 20 years ago--don't make Boca another Ft. Lauderdale!
ReplyDeleteAnother reason to Vote For Amendment 4 this Nov!--bring back development accountability to the impacted voters
ReplyDeleteSave open space--that is what made Boca attractive 20 years ago
ReplyDeleteI thought the last election results indicated that residents were tired of being controlled by developers---guess we need to vote again?
ReplyDeleteProtect our Beach & Open Spaces!
ReplyDeleteSave Ocean Strand!
ReplyDeleteAll other land owned by Beach & Park district has land use designated for Parks & Rec. use, so why was Ocean Strand never changed from Residential-Medium density?
ReplyDeleteTaxpayers paid for this Open Space, so why is city trying to take it away?...POOR PLANNING & BUDGETING??