Monday, December 31, 2012 + Over 5,500 Apartments Coming...

Boca Raton residents are becoming more disgruntled about how the city leaders are continuing to bow to developer's interests and there is another organization of residents who have started another web site - see

This is a very well organized group that has done a great deal of research which is reflected on their web site.  This research includes a tally of all of the apartments that have been approved, or are in the approval stages---now numbering more than 7,00 units.  The initial test of this "experiment" by the city and the lead development rep. (attorney Charlie Seimon) will be demonstrated by the Broadstone development on North Federal Hwy. at the location of the old Levitz Plaza - 7801 N. Federal Hwy.  This apartment complex is now in the process of accepting residents so will they be successful in leasing these units, or will this result in more vacant housing in our city and another developer seeking more variances or handouts from the city?

On Dec. 11th the city approved their "initial" Planned Mobility (PM) zoning regulations which allows up to an initial development of another 2,500 apartments in the area North of Spanish River Blvd., West of I-95, East of Military Trail and South of the Delray Beach border.  This over 1,000 acre area was approved without any signs being posted on any of these properties since the city used a loophole in the development zoning process by creating a so-called "overlay district" on this area, so the city claimed there was not a requirement for signage on all of these parcels that were granted generous new zoning.  Why would the city seek to circumvent basic notices on each of these parcels?  Could they be concerned that citizen input may be unfavorable?

These "Planned Mobility" apartments can be as dense as 20/acre and can be up to 85 feet high and the minimum size is only 700 sq. ft.  The parking requirement is less than the normal city zoning since the city "hopes" that residents will walk or ride a bike or bus to get to & from these apartments-Hence the name of this zoning area is "planned Mobility".  Some residents have suggested this should be named "planned Gridlock" as they expect thousands more cars on our city streets.  What is your opinion?
This is the "initial" PM zoning as the city has 4 more areas around the city which will also be eligible for similar zoning.  This hug3 increase in rental apartments appears to be the city's desperate effort to increase the city's tax base and approve virtually any large development that will generate more tax revenue regardless of the impact on the residential community.

There is yet another 200+ apartment development scheduled for the P&Z board review this coming Thursday, Jan. 3rd at city hall at 6:30pm.  This development proposal is for approval of Tower 155 which will be located on 1.25 acres at 133-199 East Boca Raton Rd. and is planned for a 9 stories with a 127,744 sq. ft. parking garage that includes a "technical deviation" that seeks a reduction in the required parking area under existing requirements. 

Are you kidding?  A 209 unit apartment building on 1.25 acres and there is not going to be enough parking on their site, so why don't they propose a 175 unit building that may meet the existing requirements for parking?  Please consider commenting at this public hearing and/or calling or emailing your city leaders with your concerns about this proposed development.

What are your concerns about adding at least another 10,000 residents to the city over the next few years in these small rental units?